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  • 150 Positive Affirmation Cards that Children Need to Hear

    150 Positive Affirmation Cards that Children Need to Hear

    Positive affirmations for children are powerful tools that can be used to boost self-esteem and general perception of life. Affirmations have immense benefits for children and help them feel less stressed, more confident, or happier! In this blog post, we will look at what affirmations are and how they may be beneficial in your child’sRead…

  • How To Identify And Understand The Four Functions Of Behavior

    How To Identify And Understand The Four Functions Of Behavior

    What functions of behavior does your child exhibit? Do you ever wonder what is causing the challenging behaviors they display? It can be difficult to identify functions of behavior, and without knowing this information it becomes hard to create a plan for intervention. This blog post will cover four functions of behavior: sensory, escape/avoidance attentionRead…

  • How to Use and Make Social Stories with Children 2021

    How to Use and Make Social Stories with Children 2021

    Have you ever felt pressured in gatherings, anxious during times when you are in a crowd, or just felt like – well – nothing around you makes much sense. Take that familiar feeling and multiply it by 10 and you may come up with an idea how children with special needs experience different social situations.Read…